Adullam Africa | Empowering African Communities
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People With Disability

Commmunity ICT Hub (Community4tech)


Community4Tech's goal is to transform lives through technology by enabling disadvantaged people to have access to technology resources and learn technology skills. By harnesing the power of technology we are able to empower communities through training and improving their existing talents in the digital world.

With the lack of access to information and communication technology being common in rural areas, especially in small towns. Community4tech seeks to bridge the digital divide and ensure that those in the remote areas are able to access digital services and use the same resources to take part in the growing digital economy to better their lives.

We seek to partner with community establishments such as local goverments/administration, schools and churches to ensure that we setup technology centres/hubs within the communities and ensure that we bring the technology services closer to the people.


Computer Lab for Schools

To ensure we ahave community with tech sarvy population we aspire to help build computing skills in children, as such we engage schools to partner with us through setting up computer labs in the schools. We partner with schools and other learning centres to provide technology devices and instructors, the schools' responsibility is to provide a classroom, furniture and facilitate transport for the instructor.

ICT Workshops and Training

Within the ICT Hubs, we have scheduled days and time for providing skill based technology training to the youths. Where they are trained on computer basics to proffessional courses including how to use the computer applications, maintain and repair computers, programming and networking. We even go as far as creating platform for taking online and technology based exams.

ICT Information Centre

The ICT Hubs acts as an information centre and digital library for the youth, with focus on employment opportunities and online jobs. We intend to furnich youths with materials from online job applications to business and employability skills.

Offer ICT Services

With most of the communities in the rural areas having none or limited technology resources, Community4Tech provides the ICT services such as scanning, printing and photocopy, this is at no cost or at subsidized fees(to cater for electricity bill or consumables like papers and toners).


We continue to call upon the coporate world, county and national goverment to join us in these noble cause of ensuring that we transform lives of the youths through technology. You can support these cause through the following ways

Donate to Fund Our Work

You can make donations our cause. The funds received will be used to cater for admisnistrative costs such as rent for the Community centre facilities, ICT consumables and transport expenses for the volunteers(Techy's and Instructors)

Donate ICT Equipment

That computer, laptop, tablet or printer deemed to be on end of life can be repurposed and used to transform lives at our Community4Tech Centres. Support Community4Tech by donating them to us as we help you with your IT Asset Disposal strategy. During the collection process we ensure that data are wiped from the laptops and computer hard drives.

Help Build a School Lab

Most of the schools in the rural areas have limited structures, this is proving to be a challenge in most schools as we wouldnt want to convert their classrooms which are already inadequate. For these reason we have continued to recieve request from school heads who would wish to benefit from Community4Tech cause but unable to. Click this link to see schools that schools labs Build a School Lab S

Space for Facility Donations

If you have a space you dont use in your facility or building within a community centre, you can support us by granting free lease. You can also rent on our behalf.


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Small Donations Bigger Impact

Healthcare for Every Child

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Donate to Fund Our Work

You can make donations our cause. The funds received will be used to cater for admisnistrative costs such as rent for the Community centre facilities, ICT consumables and transport expenses for the volunteers(Techy's and Instructors)

Donate ICT Equipment

That computer, laptop, tablet or printer deemed to be on end of life can be repurposed and used to transform lives at our Community4Tech Centres. Support Community4Tech by donating them to us as we help you with your IT Asset Disposal strategy. During the collection process we ensure that data are wiped from the laptops and computer hard drives.

Community ICT HUB Community4Tech


Are you a Techy? or ICT instructor? Why not use your free time for a good cause by training youths at our nearby centres
Join us at Community4Tech in harnesing the power of technology to create awareness and empower communities. through building digital hubs and offering ICT training to the rural areas.